Practice Hub

Savings & Discounts

Learn more about available savings and discounts here.

Human Resourceshuman resources icon

Access assistance in human resource matters by using your free 30-minutes consultation with HR professionals at HRM Services. Get your member number from your profile on your Member Compasstm and then call 517-974-8033. Also, view the latest 10-min monthly tips video here.

Retirement Planretirement

MVMA members are eligible to have their practice participate in this low cost, efficient, and lower risk retirement plan option - the Multiple Employer Plan. You can offer all of the benefits of a 401K plan with minimal headache. To get started, complete the Contact Us form.

Complaint Resolution

The MVMA Ethics and Grievance Committee oversees client complaints, often resolving the complaint before legal or licensure action is initiated. This helps YOU when you have an occasional unhappy client. Reach out to the Committee by complete the Contact Us form.

Legal Consultation

MVMA members get a complimentary 15-minute consultation with an attorney. Get your member number from your profile on your Member Compasstm and then call Erin Hopper at 517-349-7744.

Coming soon!

We're currently working on additional resources to help you better manage your practice. Bookmark this page and check back periodically for updates.