State Advocacy
MVMA seeks to impact legislation and administrative rules affecting the practice of veterinary medicine and animal welfare in Michigan.
MVMA maintains an active Legislative Advisory Committee prepared to protect the interest of veterinarians and veterinary staff with regard to state legislation and administrative rules. MVMA retains a lobbyist who works on behalf of our members.
The Legislative Advisory Committee assists MVMA’s Board of Directors in formulating and implementing MVMA legislative policy and MVMA positions on state regulatory proposals. See approved position statements here.
It is important for MVMA members to support issues that affect veterinary medicine, animals, and small businesses. Therefore, the association periodically contacts members and requests that they get in touch with their legislators on potential legislation. If you do not know who your legislators are, you can find them below.
The Legislative Advisory Committee focuses on the following areas of interest:
- Changes to the State Public Health Code
- Animal Welfare Issues
- Programs for Zoonosis Detection and Control
- Small Business Owner Issues of significant importance
- Health Professions Issues, in particular veterinary medicine
Find Your Michigan Representative
Find Your Michigan Senator
AVMA Congressional Advocacy Network
MVMA’s Legislative Advisory Committee meets throughout the year to discuss proposed Michigan legislation. You can review information on the status of any bill by searching for them on the Michigan Legislature Website.
Members Only
Members have access to MVMA's current legislative docket on issues MVMA is tracking. (Login required.)VetPAC
Learn more about MVMA's political action committee and consider donating.